A promising new finding for those going bald

The University of Pennsylvania medical center researchers believed to have identified the chemical that stops growing hair on male scalp. While they were researching on stem cells on mice, they accidentally found the chemical that prevent hair growth. They have identified a protein called PDG2, a compound that is found on the scalp of balding…

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Flushing Toxins Out By Bowel Cleansing Diet

Articles Submit by Brian at The Diet Solution Program Scam. Diets from this form are usually planned out for short term . Its main purpose is to eliminate the toxins from the body . Bowel cleansing diet aims to remove potential harmful substances and allow foods to support the body naturally . The toxic and…

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My Sister Underwent Vaginoplasty for her Husband

My older sister had vaginoplasty to be able to experience an orgasm. She had never been able to achieve one from making love, only from foreplay or direct clitoral contact. Her husband was feeling very inadequate because of this and began talking about joining a swinger’s club so she would enjoy sex more. After talking…

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